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Sorin Sabou
Secretar general RBA of USA and Canada
Romanian Baptist Association of USA and Canada
Blogul bisericilor din RBA
duminică, 20 iulie 2014
luni, 2 iunie 2014
sâmbătă, 31 mai 2014
Jurnal teologic 13.1 (2014)

Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest; Liberty University
In broad general terms human nature matters to which moral principles we should endorse. Moral and political principles exist for the good of human persons. There is a link between our basic abilities as humans and the moral and political principles we endorse. Our basic abilities to live, love and choose should inform our judgments for preserving and fostering life, love and liberty.
Keywords: human nature, ethics, moral principles, abilities
BABAN, Octavian. ‘„Cuvântul este aproape de tine“: teologia invocării cerului și mării ca martori ai credinței și ai prezenței divine / The Word is Near You: The Theology of Invoking the Heavens and the Sea as Witness of Faith and Divine Presence.’ Jurnal teologic Vol 13, Nr 1 (2014): 17-43.
Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest
In Psalm 139.7-12 David offers a profound theological commentary, with a pleasant style, on the questions related to the search for God’s presence. In the Bible there are other two related texts, as the theme and style are concerned, Deuteronomy 30.11-14 and Romans 10.5-8. It can be seen, surprisingly, that these passages use a related language and a coherent theological perspective. This article is a study of their specific themes, their historical and theological connections, and also of their contribution to an understanding of being close to God, to Messiah, of entrance into salvation and blessed worship, through personal faith.
Keywords: faith, heavens, sea, witness, Divine Presence
BARTOȘ, Emil. ‘Note apologetice despre învierea trupească / Apologetical Notes on Bodily Resurrection.’ Jurnal teologic Vol 13, Nr 1 (2014): 44-79.
School of Baptist Theology, University of Bucharest
Very early in the history of Early Church, the doctrine of the resurrection of Christ from the dead constituted the foundation of the Christian faith. But in modernity this doctrine has come under the attack of liberal theology, by contesting the authenticity of the resurrection event. This paper, written as an apologetic note, presents the biblical, historical and rational arguments for the doctrine of the resurrection of Christ as a major doctrine of the Church, and also as a norm of the future resurrection of the believers. In the second part of the paper the analysis will switch from the historical evidences to metahistorical effects, trying to see a determining link between the spiritual resurrection and the future bodily resurrection: the first determines the second. The distinctive character of this study is given by the courage to affirm, anticipatively, that the future resurrection has started in a real way in the believer beginning with the inner experience of resurrection to a new life through the work of the Holy Spirit at the center of his personality.
Keywords: resurrection, apologetics, Holy Spirit, experience
SCHEETZ, Jordan M. ‘Cannonical Approaches, New Trajectories, and the Book of Daniel.’ Jurnal teologic Vol 13, Nr 1 (2014): 81-110.
Tyndale Theological Seminary, Amsterdam
This paper briefly outlines the origins of canonical approaches including James Sanders, Brevard Childs, and Rolf Rendtorff, before turning to the canonical approach of John Sailhamer. Points of contrast between Childs, Rendtorff, and Sailhamer are made in relation to their proposed canonical texts and the development of these canonical texts. Although they all rely to a greater of lesser extent on the text of BHS, Sailhamer’s approach lends itself to exploring LXX texts, including their different early orderings exactly because of their early pre-Masoretic origins. Moving beyond these earlier approaches, the book of Daniel becomes a test case, critically challenging the assumption that BHS or even Baba Batra 14b represents the (earliest) canonical form of the Hebrew Scriptures. The point is not the rather historically dubious position that the placement of Daniel is to be here or there, but that thematic considerations and not the date of composition have led to its various placements, what I have called elsewhere canonical intertextuality.
Keywords: canonical texts, Daniel, intertextuality
SWEIS, Khaldoun. ‘Is a Fetus a Human Person?: Thinking Deeply on a Complex and Politically Charged Question.’ Jurnal teologic Vol 13, Nr 1 (2014): 111-127.
City Colleges of Chicago
This article will address the question, is a human being is a human person? Many modern bioethics professors and philosophers have adopted a new view of human personhood that makes allowances and justifications for embryonic stem cell research and abortion. I will address this issue by arguing that the human being is a human person. I will attempt to do this by stating that 1) Claiming that an adult human person is different in kind from a fetus or embryo is a category mistake between actuality and potentiality. 2) I will argue that the difference between the adult human and the human embryo is a difference in degree, not kind. 3) I will argue that claiming that an embryo is not a human person will lead to an absurd result using reductio ad absurdum. 4) I will propose an argument showing that a human being must be a human person.
Keywords: fetus, human person, abortion, embryo
RUSU, Timotei. ‘Amenințări laice ale conducerii bisericii / The Secular Threats upon the Church Government.’ Jurnal teologic Vol 13, Nr 1 (2014): 129-155.
Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest
God’s people suppose to be governed by God. Many times the church is govern similar to any secular institution. Why is that? In this article, is presented an answer is found in the history of the people of God in the Old Testament. God rescued His people from Egypt and gave them a law. Short after that the people complained and wanted democracy with all its problems. Then they had anarchy and end up with a monarchy like all the nations around. Any model of secular government is a threat even for today’s people of God - His Church. When the church leaders today know these threats they might avoid them, staying under the authority of Jesus Christ.
Keywords: Leadership, Democracy, Anarchy, Monarchy, Church
COLDA, Teodor-Ioan. ‘Utopia libertății religioase în România postbelică. Baptiștii din România în perioada de tranziție de la Monarhie la Republică (1945-1953) II / The Utopia of Religious Freedom in Postbelic Romania. Romanian Baptists in transition from Monarchy to Republic (1945-1953) II.’ Jurnal teologic Vol 13, Nr 1 (2014): 157-189.
Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest; Academic Visitor Attached to Ballioll College, University of Oxford
In this paper the author tries to give a fair description and interpretation of the life of Baptist Churches in the period of transition from Monarchy to Republic in postbellic Romania, based on many unprecedented archive documents. The main focus of the paper is the problem of religious freedom in this very shifty period. Because of the persecution endured between the two world wars and during the nationalist and fascist regime of Antonescu, the self proclaimed absolute leader of Romania between 1940 and 1944, the Romanian Baptists tried to cope with the new situation established in their country at the end of the war, which seemed to be far better than before. Religious freedom was granted for all, first by His Royal Majesty King Michael and afterwards by the communists who managed to force the King into exile and transformed Romania into a republic. Though the communists were granting religious freedom through a new constitution they weren’t really committed to the idea of freedom, because of their proletarian revolutionary believes. This reluctance to offer religious freedom was encouraged by historical precedents in which the Orthodox Church managed to drive the state into a sinister partnership of persecuting those who were considered sects, dangerous for an Orthodox nation. In these circumstances, and tired from being persecuted, Baptist leaders and Baptist churches were forced into an unusual relationship with the communists. First it seemed that there couldn’t be any wrong or any danger in having a relationship with the state which is willing to grant religious freedom even for religious minorities. But in an atheistic and communist state religious freedom becomes a utopia.
Keywords: Baptist, Orthodox, Church, State, Persecution, Communism, Second World War
GHIOANCĂ, Constantin. ‘Predicarea expozitivă și relevanța ei contemporană / Expository Preaching and its Contemporary Relevance.’ Jurnal teologic Vol 13, Nr 1 (2014): 191-205.
Adonai Romanian Baptist Church, Bucharest
The aim of this paper is to discuss about the relevance of expository preaching in contemporary postmodern world. While some critics argue that expository preaching is no longer welcome in a postmodern society, our endeavor is to bring this view into question. We try to do this by focusing on the proper meaning and definition, both of „expository preaching” and that of „relevance”, in order to emphasize that once we understand that expository preaching is more than merely a method, then its relevance is obvious, even in a postmodern climate.
Keywords: expository preaching, relevance, postmodernity, homiletic structure, authority, Bible, experience
FRANDEȘ, Dorin. ‘Sonorul: un aspect marginalizat în lectura și predicarea Bibliei / Sound: a Marginalized Issue in the Reading and Preaching of the Bible.’ Jurnal teologic Vol 13, Nr 1 (2014): 207-217.
State Philharmonic of Arad, Romania
In this paper the author is pleading to include sound and its relationship to contemporary society in present human concerns. This is a major need especially after the hyper-democratisation of the access to the many possibilities of amending the soundstage (or the phono-sphere). He also draws attention to the dangers which come from the use of 21st century technology, with no formal training, in the field of production, reception, storage, multiplication, transmission or “cosmetics” and amplification of sound. The author believes that the Bible becomes the measure for correct behaviour in relation to sound / noise and proposes a novel research, a sound based approach to the Bible, aiming to detect the rules for a correct relationship with sound in human environment. This is a topic which hasn’t been approached through preaching or through Sunday school teaching in churches.
Keywords: sound, noise, Bible, phono-sphere, environment
joi, 22 mai 2014
Conferința de primăvară, Atlanta GA
Dragi frați,
Vă reamintim că așa cum s-a discutat la întâlnirea de toamnă din Massachussets și s-a anunțat luna trecută la întâlnirea păstorilor din Florida, anul acesta întâlnirea de primăvară a asociației va avea loc la data de 23-25 Mai, în Atlanta, GA. Biserica Gwinnett Romanian Baptist Church în colaborare cu Prima Biserică Baptistă Română din Atlanta vor fi gazdele închinării din acel sfârșit de săptămână. Tema întâlnirii este "Prioritatea Bisericii Domnului Isus", temă inspirată din Faptele Apostolilor 2:42.
Întâlnirea va începe cu serviciul de închinare de Vineri seara și se va încheia cu serviciul de închinare de Duminică seara. Ședința de lucru a păstorilor va avea loc Sâmbătă începând cu orele 10:00AM.
Iată timpul și locația întâlnirilor:
Servicii de închinare:
Vineri, 23 Mai ora 7:30PM
First Romanian Baptist
Sâmbătă, 24 Mai ora 7:00PM
Gwinnett Romanian Baptist
Duminică, 25 Mai ora 10:00AM
Gwinnett Romanian Baptist
Dumincă, 25 Mai ora 6:00PM
First Romanian Baptist
Ședința păstorilor din RBA
Sâmbătă, 24 Mai ora 10:00AM
Gwinnett Romanian Baptist Church
Întâlnirea tinerilor din RBYA
Sâmbătă, 24 Mai ora 10:00AM
First Romanian Baptist
Adresa bisericii Gwinnett Romanian Baptist Church este:
2005 Braselton Hwy.
Buford, GA 30519
Adresa bisericii First Romanian Baptist Church este:
1280 Lawrenceville-Suwanee Rd.
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
luni, 30 decembrie 2013
duminică, 1 decembrie 2013
Jurnal teologic Vol 12, Nr 2 (2013)

School of Baptist Theology, University of Bucharest
I have been trying to argue the well known fact that the context often defines the understanding and in Christian theology it often becomes part of the way we read Scripture and also of how we develop theology. I also try to argue that in order to understand the Scriptures adequately we need first of all to be able to gain a critical distance from our context but maybe even more important to gain a more nuanced understanding of God. This is possible only if some openness is maintained so that God who is free can address us.
Keywords: atonement, Holy Spirit, Gospel, prosperity
SABOU, Sorin. "Snippets of Ancient Wisdom - from the Milesian School to Augustine." Jurnal teologic Vol 12, Nr 2 (2013): 24-36.
Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest; Liberty University
These snippets of ancient wisdom are intended to offer an overview of major themes, methods, and contributions to knowledge in the areas of metaphysics, piety, ethics, knowledge and time. The masters like Thales, Anaximenes, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus, and Augustine taught about these issues and here is a snapshot of their views.
Keywords: Milesian School, Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus, Augustine, metaphysics, piety, ethics, time
LITTLE, Bruce A. "God and Gratuitous Evil." Jurnal teologic Vol 12, Nr 2 (2013): 37-58.
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
In view of God and his creation in light of the biblical record it seems that affirm gratuitous evil would not count against the moral perfections of God and would as Ronald Nash said, tip the debate on evil in favor of theism.
Keywords: God, Evil, theism, creation
PATTERSON, James A. "Superficial Views of Evil in the Era of the Early Church: Two Persistent Heresies." Jurnal teologic Vol 12, Nr 2 (2013): 59-77.
Union University
Gnosticism and Pelagianism were two rather different heresies that emerged in dissimilar contexts and set forth widely divergent teachings. Gnosticism’s convoluted, dualistic narrative of the origins of the world and evil strayed so far from mainstream Christian orthodoxy that it entirely appalled the Church Fathers; it undeniably represented a false gospel. Pelagianism, on the other hand, sought unsuccessfully to gain approval from the “Catholic” leadership of the fifth century.
Keywords: Gnosticism, Pelagianism, Evil, Church Fathers
FODOREAN, Daniel. "Eclezia contemporană între supraviețuire și reînnoire / Contemporary Ecclesia Between Survival and Renewal." Jurnal teologic Vol 12, Nr 2 (2013): 79-94.
Baptist Theological Insitute of Bucharest; Liberty University
Why do some churches are in a period of stagnation and decay? Ecclesiology's current crisis can not be solved by a behavioristic theology or a managerial leadership, but returning to a theology of the cross, a theology of the heart. Behavioristic theology will produce a activistic, fleshly and legalistic ecclesiology. Changing in a local Christian community begins with changing personal life of each of the members. Visibility of this changes and spiritual profile of the church will be dictated by the percentage of those who had such an experience. In terms of the New Testament this experience is called continuous renewal. The purpose of this article is to provoke a change of perspective about the answer we give to the current crisis of the church.
Keywords: church, leadership, behavioristic theology, spiritual maturity, ecclesiological crisis
BÂLC, Samuiel. "Paradigma trinitară a relațiilor eclesiale / The Trinitarian Paradigm of the Ecclesial Relations." Jurnal teologic Vol 12, Nr 2 (2013): 95-112.
Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest
Biblical history of creation shows that the human being was created by God with the ability to communicate.What has hampered human and divine communion was disobedience to the laws established by God. The fact that man is a speaking being is an indicator that we were ment to relate to each other. This way, communication gives man the possiblity to constantly upgrade/improve the ability to speak. Thus human being is deliberately linked to others by communicated words hence finds fulfillment in relationship with others. Trinitarian paradigm with respect/with regards to relations is therefore a reper that should not only be looked at but also followed as a role model.
Keywords: God, man, relationship, communication, personality, self-image.
RUSU, Timotei. "Teocrația ca principiu al conducerii spirituale / Theocracy as the Principle of Spiritual Leadership." Jurnal teologic Vol 12, Nr 2 (2013): 113-130.
Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest
In our culture, leadership and leadership styles are controversial. The Church of Jesus Christ exists in the secular society with a variety of religious as well as secular leadership models. This article suggests that the best and the oldest leadership style is Theocracy. The author study the authority of God in creation of man and of Israel, especially in the formation of the Hebrew nation: delivery from Egypt, Covenant at Sinai and the human leadership under God’s direct guidance. He advocated that Theocracy is not only possible, but it is the only way to govern the individual lives of believers and Christ’s Church.
Keywords: Leadership, Theocracy, Church, Believer
COLDA, Teodor-Ioan. "Utopia libertății religioase în România postbelică. Baptiștii din România în perioada de tranziție de la Monarhie la Republică între 1944-1953 (I) / The Utopia of Religious Freedom in Postbelic Romania. Romanian Baptists in Transition from Monarchy to Republic between 1944-1953 (I)." Jurnal teologic Vol 12, Nr 2 (2013): 133-170.
Academic Visitor attached to Ballioll College, University of Oxford
In this paper the author tries to give a fair description and interpretation of the life of Baptist Churches in the period of transition from Monarchy to Republic in postbellic Romania, based on many unprecedented archive documents. The main focus of the paper is the problem of religious freedom in this very shifty period. Because of the persecution endured between the two world wars and during the nationalist and fascist regime of Antonescu, the self proclaimed absolute leader of Romania between 1940 and 1944, the Romanian Baptists tried to cope with the new situation established in their country at the end of the war, which seemed to be far better than before. Religious freedom was granted for all, first by His Royal Majesty King Michael and afterwards by the communists who managed to force the King into exile and transformed Romania into a republic. Though the communists were granting religious freedom through a new constitution they weren’t really committed to the idea of freedom, because of their proletarian revolutionary believes. This reluctance to offer religious freedom was encouraged by historical precedents in which the Orthodox Church managed to drive the state into a sinister partnership of persecuting those who were considered sects, dangerous for an Orthodox nation. In these circumstances, and tired from being persecuted, Baptist leaders and Baptist churches were forced into an unusual relationship with the communists. First it seemed that there couldn’t be any wrong or any danger in having a relationship with the state which is willing to grant religious freedom even for religious minorities. But in an atheistic and communist state religious freedom becomes a utopia.
Keywords: Baptist, Orthodox, Church, State, Persecution, Communism, Second World War
GHERMAN, Daniel. "Relațiile dintre Testamente: o abordare istorică de la perioada apostolică până la cea postmodernă / The Relationships between Testaments: a Historical Approach from the Apostolic Era to Postmodernity." Jurnal teologic Vol 12, Nr 2 (2013): 169-188.
Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest
The paper contains a historic presentation of the relationships between the Old and New Testaments along the time. It begins with the apostolic period and ends with the postmodern time period. Although, within the English speaking world, there are some studies on this subject, in Romanian there are not. The article is following Rodney Petersen’s historical study to which it is added a discussion about the way the relationship between the Old and New Testaments in postmodernism is perceived. The study presents, in the end, some conclusions regarding the development of the issue of the relationships between the two Testaments.
Keywords: Old Testament, New Testament
miercuri, 13 noiembrie 2013
Conferința de toamnă - Greenfield, MA
Lista fraților participanți la Conferință: Matei Istudor (GA), Sorin Sabou (IL), Dan Paul (OH), Florin Vancea (FL), Ionel Țeudan (NY), Levi Marian (NY), Timotei Miu (TN), Dumitru Toderic (PA), Titus Miheț (FL), Simion Plăcintă (MA), Tudor Banar (MA), Vlad Lujan (MA), Ion Hrezdac (CT), Ion Mocan (MA), Severin Barows (MA), Serghei Sinegur (MA), Petru Cioclea (MA), Dinu Pop (Romania).
Tematica Conferinței a fost Strategii de Misiune.
Sa discutat despre dezvoltarea unor metode de misiune în care să fie implicat fiecare membru din biserica locală, după modelul lansat de însăși Domnul Isus Hristos - Fapte 1:8:
• în Ierusalim, - localitatea, county, statul
• în toată Iudeea - țara
• în Samaria - alta țară
• până la marginile pământului – în toată lumea
De asemenea s-a vorbit și despre punctele slabe ale misiunii: împotmolirea în problemele casnice de la Ierusalim și negligarea extinderii misiunii în afară la cei care au o mare nevoie de Evanghelie.
S-a hotărât să se pună accent pe instruirea noii generații în ce privește misiunea, dezvoltarea spiritului de misiune în credincioși, formarea echipelor de tineri în fiecare biserica și trimiterea lor pentru misiune concretă în localitatea unde se află, apoi extinderea în afară. Formarea de noi biserici in regiuni unde există români.
Fiecare Biserică în mod practic la darea de seamă anuală, să poata evidenția efortul, cheltuiala, și rezultatele acestei sfinte lucrări. Pentru aceasta fiecare pastor, împreună cu comitetul și biserica sunt datori să dezvolte metode specifice de misiune în care să fie antrenat și implicat fiecare membru din biserică.
Să nu uităm că o biserică ce nu face misiune demisionează.
Pentru ca fiecare păstor venit la Conferință să fie captat de acest interes, fratele Matei a cerut ca toți pastorii prezenți la să depună mărturia întoarcerii la Domnul, subliniind momentele chie ale convertirii, și după fiecare 4-5 mărturii ne-am rugat pentru frații în cauza, ca Dumnezeu să întarească chemarea fiecăruia în lucrare.
Biserica Providența a organizat Sarbatoarea Roadelor cu o panorama specială din fructe și legume. Cu acestă ocazie fr. Simion Plăcintă a citat Ps. 21:5: „Mare este bucuria noastră în urma ajutorului Tau, Doamne.“ Apoi s-a făcut și o rugăciune specială de mulțumire pentru pâinea materială și spirituală. Cu ocazia Conferinței la Biserica Providența s-au ținut trei servicii divine, cu programe deosebite, în care unii păstori au depus mărturii personale, iar alții au predicat Cuvântul Domnului cu însuflețire divină.
La fiecare serviciu s-a simțit o mare revărsare de har și s-au auzit strigătele pocăinței pocăiților după sfințire și curățire. Fratele Sorin Sabou, citând din 2 Tim. 2.20-21, ne-a îndemnat să fim niște vase curate, de cinste, sfințite, folositoare Stâpânului pentru orice lucrare bună.
La Serviciul de duminică dimineața au fost în jur de patru sute de suflete, a ținut trei ore, a fost încărcat cu un program deosebit și a fost încheiat prin mesajul fr. Dan Paul din 1 Pet. 3:8-12 despre omul cu inima mulțumită.
La sfârșit Biserica locală a făcut o colecta pentru nevoile Asociației și a dat o masă de dragoste pentru toți cei prezenți la sărbătoare.
marți, 3 septembrie 2013
sâmbătă, 31 august 2013
Conducerea Asociatiei aleasa la Conventia de la Portland

Secretar general: Sorin Sabou
Vicepreședinte Vest: Florin Filip
Secretar Vest: Ovidiu Rauca
Vicepreședinte Est: Matei Istudor
Secretar Est: Florin Vancea
Vicepreședinte Canada: Mircea Toma
Comisia de misiune: Nelu Pașcuț, Samuel Stan, John Bilti
Comisia pastorală: Doru Aninoiu
Scoala duminicală: Aurel Mateescu, Andrei Bulzan, Ștefan Ghinescu
Casier fondul misionar: Ion Cotârlă
Casier fondul administrativ: Cornel Ciba
Cenzori: Florin Țunea, Vladimir Pahomi
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