luni, 6 aprilie 2009

Un baptist in parlamentul Moldovei!

Dear friends,

Thank you very much for your prayers. I would like to tell you that, according to the results of the 98% of the votes, I have got a seat in the Parliament. This is the good news. The bad news is that the Communist Party have got 61 seats out of 101 seats, which is the absolute majority. The party I ran with have got 14 seats. Three democratic parties that have made in have got only 40 seats. The situation is tense. The democratic parties have accused the Communist Party for having unfair elections. There might be street protests.

Let us thank God for this victory, and please, pray for this tense situation and for me, so the Lord may use me according to His will.
Valeriu Ghiletchi

Is doi de fapt de si al doilea e tanar si nu stiu la ce s-a gandit trecand pe listelor "crestin democratilor" aliatii comunistilor :( Da, oricum, Dumnezeu sa-l indrume. Iar adresa fratelui Valeriu daca va intereseaza este:

Rugati-va pentru fratele Valeriu dar si mai mult pentru Ghenadie de pe lista PPCD, ca Dumnezeu sa-i indrume. - Rotaru Artiom

Se adevereste inca o data dreptatea "tatuclului" Stalin: "Nu conteaza cine voteaza si cum voteaza; conteaza cine numara voturile!"
Pe de alta parte, in aceasta nenorocire este ascunsa si o binecuvantare: daca Moldova ramane comunista, fratii nostri vor avea in continuare o intrare mai usoara in USA!!! (sa dorim o reintoarcere a comunistilor si in ... Romania?)

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