luni, 24 august 2009

Schimbari in Moldova

Dear friends,

On August 28, the new Parliament will meet in the first plenary session. The four democratic parties formed a coalition called the Alliance for European Integration. On the one hand, the AEI has made a lot of progress in negotiations, but the process has not been finished yet. On the other hand, the communist party puts a lot of pressure especially on one of the parties, a member of the coalition, trying to hinder the agenda of the AEI. It is very important that the AEI is able to pass the first test in this session: to stay united, to elect the speaker of the Parliament, and to form all the committees.

On August 27, Moldova will celebrate 18 years of independence. Pray that next day after the Independence Day opens a new page in our history. Pray for all four leaders of the democratic parties. Pray for unity, wisdom, courage and integrity of the MPs members of the coalition. Pray that negotiations will be finalized before the first session starts.

I would like also to tell you that on August 6th I presented to the Congress (Convention) of the Baptist Union of Moldova my final report as a Bishop of the Union. On the same day the Congress elected a new Bishop. His name is Ion Miron, the former General Secretary of the Union. Please pray for him and for the new Executive of the Union.

Valeriu Ghiletchi

Un comentariu:

  1. Schimbarea de la un sistem comunist este buna. Dar daca este o schimbare de la Comunism la European Union atunci nu s-a realizat nimic bun. De ce? Pentru ca o integrare cu EU nu este un pas catre libertate ci catre o noua forma de "Sovietism". De la Sovietul Rusesc de la Moscova catre "Sovietul" European de la Brussels.

    Multi au sesizat guvernul de la Brussels ca fiind un regim totalitar de genul soviet sau orice alt guvern cu putere centrala asupra populatiei.

    Independenta tarilor membre de altadata s-a pierdut si cu ea s-a pierdut libertatea . Tocmai ce isi doresc fratii moldoveni.

    Sugerez oricui sa citeasca acest articol :

    Oare cit timp ne va trebui pina vom intelege ca Uniunea Europeana este un pas spre guvern mondial, si ca atare trebuie expus si evitat cu toata suflarea. Ca si orice alta unificare de felul ei, EU este o recladire a Turnului Babel. Ori Dumnezeu l-a distrus si a asezat hotare intre popoare. Suntem noi oare mai intelepti decat Dumnezeu?

    Articolul de mai sus spune "Pray for unity, wisdom, courage and integrity of the MPs members of the coalition." Daca este sa ne rugam pentru wisdom (intelepciune) atunci ne vom ruga ca Moldova sa nu intre in EU. Curaj? Curaj ar fi sa ne opunem suvoiului care cere o mai mare integrare cu EU. Integritate? Nu exista nici un strop de integritate la Brussels.
