Biserica pastorita de Valentin Popovici pleaca la lucru in Romania. Atasat aveti posterul cu programul misiunii lor in bisericile de acolo. (Click pe imagine ca s-o vedeti mai mare)
Ii insotim cu rugaciunile noastre.
Praise the Lord for the results of these elections. The Communist Party obtained 48 seats, and four opposition parties obtained 53 seats. The party I was running with is the leading party among the opposition parties, and got 18 seats. All four parties declared that they will form a coalition. Negotiations will not be easy, but I thank God for this victory. Thank you very, very much for your prayer support. I will come later with more details.
Valeriu Ghiletchi
Dear friends,
The event that will take place on Wednesday, July 29 represents one of the most important cross roads in the modern history of Moldova. The result of these elections will have a profound and long term impact for our nation. Please, pray for our country. May the Spirit of the Lord guide people's hearts and minds on the election day and may His will be done!
On July 24-26, Baptists of Europe celebrated in Amsterdam 400 years of Baptist history. It is a great joy and honor for me to tell you that during this historical event I was elected to be the President of the European Baptist Federation for next two years. Please, pray for me, so I can serve faithfully God and the European Baptist Family in this new capacity.
Valeriu Ghiletchi (aici)
Daniel Branzai
Hello to everyone.
We arrived in Moldova several days ago, and
although the border crossings where difficult and getting everyone
to our base camp took longer than other years, we are blessed to say
that we are here and everyone is safe and healthy.
We have been going through two days of training and church meetings.
We are being fed spiritually, emotionally and mentally to be ready
for all the challenges ahead. It has been a blessing to have a
history making event. We are currently working with 4 churches here
in Ungheni. The Pentecostal church is our base and main contact
church, but three other churches have taken a very active role in
our mission. We are working with the Baptist church, the Charismatic
church and the Salvation Army church.
Just imagine the following for
us in America. Think of your local town ( if u have multiple
Romanian christian churches in your city), and imagine all those
pastors offering to work together in your local town for 2 weeks to
evangelize the local Romanians. For most of us it is a dream that
can only be imagined.
To say the least, we have a great team. We are
over 100 people here and we are gearing up to conquer the city for
We would really appreciate your continued prayer and support.
recap all that we are doing, I will breakdown the projects,
Orphange camp: working with orphans and neglected kids
Girls of God camp: mentoring young women
Men of Valor: mentoring young men to be real men of God
VBS: daily summer evangelism for the kids
Med Clinic @ our base church including a pharmacy.
Med Home Visits to those that are to old or frail to come to our
Social Home Visits to those that have large families or other social
Construction team: this team goes along with the med home visit team
and they look for major issues that they need to fix such as broken
faucets, sink or other plumbing problems, filling holes in roofs for
poor or elderly people, fixing gates , doors and windows to ensure
safety and keeping the house warm in the winter.
Carnaval / Evangelism services:
We will be doing evening evangelism programs and carnavals including
bounce houses and carnaval games.
Convoy of Hope: a organization from Holland has donated nearly 20
tons of food. We will be having a large event this Saturday where we
will be giving out food and aid to approx 3500 people. What an
incredible opportunity to share with others.
I would ask for your prayers for the following things:
Team Unity
Revival for Moldova
Bringing the lost to Christ
The upcoming elections here in Moldova
Health and strenght to me effective in our work
I will include in another email some links to YouTube videos of our
Be blessed and I look forward to sharing my experiences first hand
with you when I get back
Deuteronom 8: 2-5 ,,Adu-ti aminte de tot drumul pe care te-a calauzit Domnul, Dumnezeul tau in timpul acestor ani in pustie”
S-au implinit in vara acestui an, 2009, 50 de ani de la absolvirea Seminarului Teologic Baptist din Bucuresti, a celei mai numeroase promotii din istoria acestui seminar. Numarul absolventilor in anul 1959 a fost de 39, din care mai sunt in viata 15, iar 11 dintre ei au participat la un popas cu amintiri despre felul cum Dumnezeu i-a calauzit pe fiecare in parte.
Pe data de 3 iulie a.c., la initiative fr.Manzat Ioan si Husan Mihai, a avut loc acel popas care s-a extins pet imp de 3 zile, adica pana pe data de 5 iulie seara. Fr.Tritean Vasile, administratorul Institutului, impreuna cu sotia sa au pregatit toate cele de trebuinta, mesele imbelsugate si camerele pentru odihna celor truditi.
Au fost momente inaltatoare, mai ales atunci cand fr. Vasile Talpos, Rectorul Institutului a citit catalogul , iar cei prezenti au raspuns pe rand ,,Prezent”. A urmat un cuvant din partea fr. O. Bunaciu, presedintele Cultului si apoi un altul din partea singurului profesor in viata, dr.I.Bunaciu. Ne-am depanat pe scurt amintirile, dupa care am petrecut un timp de multumire catre Dumnezeu si de rugaciune pentru familiile celor ce ne-au fost colegi dar si-au ispravit alergarea pe acest pamant.
A doua zi, cu un autobuz inchiriat, am vizitat cateva biserici baptiste din capitala. In toate lacasurile de inchinaciune pe care le-am vizitat, cu exceptia celui din str.Iuliu Valaori, unde era un program in desfasurare, am cantat si am inaltat rugaciuni pentru activitatea membrilor si slujitorilor din cartierele vizitate. Pe parcursul calatoriei fr. Ionel Socaciu, fiul fr. Profesor Ioan Socaciu ne-a vorbit despre transformarile ce au avut loc in Bucuresti in cei 50 de ani de la absolvire.
A treia zi fratii care au mai ramas in Bucuresti, impreuna cu sotiile lor au marturisit cuvantul Domnului in Biserica ,,Betania” din str. Popa Rusu, ,,Betel” din cartierul Giulesti si ,,Golgota” din Sos. N. Titulescu. Peste tot fratii si surorile ne-au primit cu multa caldura sufleteasca.
50 de ani de calauzire divina nu-i merit omenesc, ci Har divin. Toti acesti ani, pentru cei 11 frati care au participat la popas, amintirile sunt din trecut. Nimeni nu poate scapa de trecut. Traim in prezent, visam in viitor si invatam, daca vrem sa invatam, multe din trecut. Datorita trecutului, pentru unii viitorul este oribil. Toti cei care neglijeaza trecutul au un viitor mort. Fiecare isi are trecutul lui inchis in el ca filele intr-o carte.
Trecutul nu este mort pentru cei care au cunoscut salvarea din pacat.
Imparatul David vorbeste despre o experienta deosebita din trecutul lui, spunand astfel: ,,M-a scos din groapa pieirii, din fundul mocirlei, mi-a pus picioarele pe stanca si mi-a intarit pasii” – Psalmul40:2, iar in Psalmul 32:5 zice: “Ti-am marturisit pacatul … si Tu ai iertat vina pacatului meu”.
In Noul Testament Ap.Pavel in Epistola catre Efeseni 2:8 aminteste fratilor despre lucrarea salvarii lui Dumnezeu in trecutul lor. ,,Caci prin Har ati fost mantuiti, prin credinta, si aceasta nu vine de la voi, ci este darul lui Dumnezeu”.
Noi, amintindu-ne de trecut putem spune: Dumnezeu ne-a schimbat iadul in paradis, cenusa in avutie, mahnirea in cantare, descumpanirea in tel stralucit, temerile in curaj, povara in odihna, duhul zdrobit in mangaiere, furtuna in susur linistit si norii in cer senin.
Trecutul nu este mort pentru cei care au raspuns chemarii la slujire.
Mantuitorul le-a spus lui Petru si fratelui sau Andrei: ,,Veniti dupa Mine si va voi face pescari de oameni”. Indata ei au lasat mrejile si au mers dupa El” – Matei 4:19-20. Domnul Isus a chemat pescari nu farisei sa-L urmeze. In Vechiul Testament Dumnezeu a chemat pastori si culegatori de smochine nu lenesi, oameni fara faima, ca sa-Si arate harul Lui in ei. Cei chemati n-au fost invitati pe baza abilitatilor personale, ci pe baza credintei si a disponibilitatii de a face voia lui Dumnezeu. ,,De pilda, fratilor, uitati-va la voi, care ati fost chemati, printre voi nu sunt multi intelepti in felul lumii, nici multi puternici, nici multi de neam ales…” 1 Corinteni 1:26-29. Pentru ca nimeni sa nu se laude inaintea Stapanului. Slujba la care ne-a chemat Dumnezeu este slujba Impacarii oamenilor cu El – 2 Corinteni 5:18-20.
Traim intr-o lume ranita, inimi ranite, familii ranite, sperante ranite. Slujitorii lui Dumnezeu sunt chemati sa atinga lumea cu mesajul sperantei. Planeta pe care locuim plange din cauza depresiei, disperarii, descurajarii, persecutiilor, relatiilor rupte, inimilor zdrobite. Pretutindeni durere, teama, ura, amaraciune, manie, panica, toate sunt peste omenire. Dureri si boli sunt realitati prezente. Slujba noastra este o slujba a compasiunii si impacarii. Am fost chemati sa ajutam, sa mangaiem si sa ridicam pe cei cazuti si incovoiati sub povara nelegiuirilor lor.
Aducandu-ne aminte de drumul parcurs ne amintim ca mesajul sperantei, mangaieri, ridicarea multora si directionarea celor fara directie a fost lucrarea Stapanului ceresc, care ne-a chemat si pe noi la slujba ce o pretuim, slujba impacarii prin Isus Hristos, Mantuitorul.
Trecutul nu poate fi mort pentru cei al caror conducator a fost Dumnezeu.
,,De n-ar fi fost Domnul de partea noastra cand s-au ridicat oamenii impotriva noastra, ne-ar fi inghitit de vii, ne-ar fi inecat apele, ar fi trecut raurile peste sufletul nostru” – Psalmul 124:2-4.
S-au ridicat oamenii impotriva noastra;
S-au ridicat mai marii zilei impotriva noastra;
S-au napustit valurile ateismului asupra noastra.
Cohortele iadului au incercat sa ne stavileasca inaintarea. Cum am scapat, nicidecum prin puterea noastra ori prin iscusinta proprie. Dupa 50 de ani pe drumul cu vesti bune, spunem si noi ca odinioara David: ,,Binecuvantat sa fie Domnul care nu ne-a dat prada dintilor lor. Sufletul ne-a scapat ca pasarea din latul pasararului , latul s-a rupt si noi am scapat. Ajutorul nostru este in Numele Domnului care a facut cerurile si pamantul.”
Am plans adesea dar ne aducem aminte cum ne-a sters Conducatorul lacrimile.
Am experimentat crize financiare dar ne-a invatat Conducatorul aprovizionarea prin credinta, umplandu-ne paharul binecuvantarilor care a dat peste el.
Drumul parcurs n-a fost fara prapastii, dar miracolul traversarilor n-a constat in a ,,da mana cu diavolul pana treci puntea”, cum ne sfatuiau unii in vremurile de trista amintire, ci in rezemarea pe atotputernicia Celui ce a condus pe Israel prin Marea Rosie.
Multe au fost amenintarile pe drumul parcurs dar la popasul amintirilor dupa 50 de ani nu gasim cuvinte mai potrivite ca acelea din cantarea lui Moise: ,,Domnul este taria mea si temeiul cantarilor mele de lauda. El m-a scapat, El este Dumnezeul meu; pe El Il voi lauda” – Exod 15:2.
Este adevarat, cand ne privim azi dupa 50 de ani, vedem amprentele timpului pe trupurile noastre, evidentele lutului in care purtam bogatia slavei ceresti: ,,Hristos in voi, nadejadea slavei” – Coloseni 1:27.
Cu o asemenea comoara in noi, nu cadem de obseala chiar daca omul nostru de afara se trece, totusi omul nostru dinlauntru se innoieste din zi in zi.
Secretul innoirii nu-i la noi, ci la Conducatorul nostru care ne-a imprimat convingeri sfinte, scapandu-ne de opiniile noastre.
Avem convingerea ca Dumnezeu nu-Si paraseste slujitorii la batranete. ,,Pana la batranetele voastre Eu voi fi acelasi, pana la caruntetele voastre va voi sprijini. V-am purtat si tot vreau sa va mai port, sa va sprijin si sa va mantuiesc” – Isaia 46:4.
Avem convingerea ca ,,cei saditi in curtile Dumnezeului nostru aduc roade si la batranete, sunt plini de suc si verzi” – Psalmul 92:11.
Avem convingerea ca la tot ce face Dumnezeu nu mai este nimic de adaugat.
El a lasat taria si frumusetea tineretii, sa fie fizica, dar taria si frumusetea spirituala sa fie la batranete. Noi pierdem taria si frumusetea fizica, acestea fiind temporare si ne concentram pe taria si frumusetea spirituala care sunt vesnice.
,,El va schimba trupul starii noastre smerite si-l va face asemenea trupului slavei Sale prin lucrarea puterii pe care o are de a-Si supune toate lucrurile” – Filipeni 3:21
Acum la acest popas de 50 de ani de calauzire divina, binecuvantam pe Rascumparatorul pentru trecut, prezent si viitor.
Iosif Sarac
Cum am ajuns la seminar,
Un om ca mine, un hoinar,
Nascut din nou la Resita,
Dar la origini, bihorean,
M-am intrebat adesea, stand,
La rostul vietii meditand.
Tot ce-am gasit, un raspuns clar:
Am fost si eu cuprins in har.
Luasem jugul lui Hristos,
Pe-un drum destul de zgrunturos.
Dorinti si vise nu lipseau,
Dar profesorii ne spuneau:
,,Nu-i cum vreti voi, ci cum vrea El,
Ca-i drumul lui Emanuel!”
Duhul prieteniei sfinte,
Ne inunda in acei ani,
Alergam pe scari la lectii,
Parca noi eram spartani.
Hrana si caldura,
Toate ne-au venit in dar,
N-am stiut prea multe atunci,
Stiu acum, au fost prin Har.
Admiram faimosii zilei
Si ispita ma-ncerca
Sa privesc la ei adesea,
Neglijandu-mi tinta mea.
Cartea cartilor, Scriptura,
Zilnic ma apostrofa:
“Uita-te la Cel ce poate
Har in slabiciuni sa-ti dea”.
Cu teologia-n minte
Si cu ravna in picioare,
Am plecat sa-mpart mesajul,
Celui mic si celui mare,
Sa duc vestea impacarii,
La saraci si la bogati,
Sa anunt ca doar prin Har
Oamenii pot fi salvati.
Confruntat cu ateismul,
Multor ani ce au urmat,
N-a fost simplu sa tin calea,
Si sa lupt cu ce-i pacat.
A fost insa clar mesajul:
,,Te-am trimis cu vestea Mea,
Du-te, mergi, nu sta pe ganduri,
Sunt cu tine-n vreme grea”.
A venit ,,reglementarea”,
,,Arondarea”, asa zise,
Parca erau moartea-n oala,
Speriind pe orisicine.
Incercarile venit-au,
Zi de zi, clipa de clipa,
Harul insa a fost mare,
Ajutandu-ma spre tinta.
De trei ori ,,destituit”,
Prin autoritati locale,
Hartuit si-amenintat,
Am plecat spre noi ogoare,
Planuri sfinte si marete,
Asteptau sa ma implic.
Eu am spus ca ,,sunt nevrednic”,
El mi-a spus: ,,Iti sunt amic”.
Astazi cand privesc in urma,
Peste anii ce s-au scurs,
Vad minuni, minuni facute
Doar prin Harul lui Isus.
Sa imi intalnesc colegii,
Peste ani 50 la rand,
Sunt convins ca Salvatorul,
Nu ne va lasa niciand.
Sunt dator acuma, Doamne,
Sa ma-nchin cu fratii mei,
Sa-Ti aduc recunostinta,
Proslavindu-Te cu ei.
Tu esti vrednic de cinstire,
De adanca inchinare,
“O, slavitule Parinte,
Harul Tau e sfant, e mare!”
Iosif Sarac
Poezie scrisa cu ocazia sarbatorii a 50 de ani de la absolvirea Seminarului Teologic Baptist din Bucuresti.
,,Reglementarea” – Incepand cu anul l958, autoritatile comuniste au impus bisericilor evanghelice reducerea serviciilor religioase la numai doua pe saptamana : sambata seara si duminica dimineata.
,,Arondarea” - Toate bisericile care nu aveau cladire proprie sau care aveau un numar mai mic de 20 de membri au fost inchise, reducand astfel numarul bisericilor evanghelice.
,,Destituire” – Pastorii care nu respectau una ori mai multe din restrictiile Departamentului Cultelor erau destituiti pentru o perioada de 2-6 ani dupa toana si buna placere a inspectorilor teritoriali.
Primul eveniment a avut loc sambata de la 10.00 AM-4.00PM, cand Tony Antony a predat un curs de evanghelizare. Cursul "Release" a fost dezvoltat de misiunea Avanti, si este un curs de pregatire si motivare a credinciosilor in a marturisi evanghelia, responsabilitate neglijata de cei mai multi crestini.
Duminica seara a fost organizata o seara de evanghelizare de Hollywood Center of Performing Arts ( Casa de Cultura ). Tony Antony si-a prezentat marturia presonala si a predicat Evaghelia cu putere. Tony Antony a fost campion mondial la Kung Fu, dar, printr-un concurs de evenimente, a ajuns in inchisoare in Cipru, unde vizitat de un misionar, ia contact cu adevarul si puterea mantnuitoarea a Evangheliei si viata lui s-a schimbat radical. Marturia lui e o puternica demonstratie a harului nespus de mare pe care Dumnezeu ni-l da in Hrisots. Aceasta a fost o ocazie binecuvantata pe care Dumnezeu a dato-o bisericilor Romanesti din Hollywood sa faciliteze necrestinilor de limba engleza sa auda Evanghelia.
Multumim lui Dumnezeu pentru harul daruit si pentru roadele binecuvantate ale acestui eveniment in care Hristos a fost proslavit si bisericile au fost binecuvantate.
Florin Vancea
Vara aceasta, o grupa misionara din care a facut parte si Radu Botnari din biserica noastra (Bethel-Anahim) a lucrat deja cu cateva sute de copii si tineri in Moldova. Alte doua grupe misionare sunt chiar acum acolo, cea coordonata de Matei Istudor si biserica pastorita de el in Atlanta, Georgia, cu care au plecat Andreia si Filip Pribac de la Bethel-Anaheim si Grupa celor din Charity Cup (care aduna tineri din multe biserici pentecostale si baptiste).
Rugati-va chiar acum pentru protectia lor si pentru puterea Cuvantului salvator care trebuie sa ajunga la orice faptura.
Leviticul 8, Evrei 15:1-10
Introducere: Preotia universala a credinciosilor trebuie inteleasa pe fundalul preotiei levitice. ! Petru ne spune ca suntem un neam preotesc. Avem nevoie de epistola catre Evrei ca sa intelegem care este relatia noastra cu preotia OT.
Care este caracteristica preotiei? Care este rostul preotiei? Care ii sunt rezultatele?
Elementele preotiei sunt:
I. Chemare
Evrei 5:4 "Nimeni nu-si ia cinstea aceasta singur ..."
II. Consacrare
III. Calauzire
Eli - un preot caruia Dumnezeu nu-i mai vorbeste
Samuel- un copil neprihanit caruia ii vorbeste Dumnezeu
IV. Conformare
Closing Numai in masura in care ascultam de Dumnezeu avem rezultate dumnezeiesti in slujirea noastra (Lev. 9:22-24).
Cineva spunea: primii ucenici nu aveau aur si argint dar aveau putere. Astazi avem aur si argint dar nu mai avem putere.
Tot astfel, strazile de aur ale Ierusalimului Ceresc vor fi calcate doar de cei care de pe pamant au invatat sa puna aurul sub picioare.
Phil Miglioratti of PrayingPastor.com and the National Pastors Prayer Network recently interviewed Mark Elliott, author of Confessions of an Insignificant Pastor: What Pastors Wish They Could Tell You...
Phil: At first glance, the title made me think this is a book pastors would want to give to their church members, but as I read through it, I get the impression this book is as much for pastors as it is for those who pray for and care about them.
Mark: Absolutely! It is for the WHOLE body of Christ, ALL will benefit from these pages. It will open up a healthy dialogue among church attenders, among pastors, and among laity with pastors.
Phil: The term "transparency" appears several times in the very first pages of the book - Why?
Mark: By and large we Christians are not transparent with one another. We tend to be religious, wear masks, and pretend we have it all together. We put our pastors on pedestals and refuse to let them be human beings. This book is meant to bring us out of our closets and into the light so that we can be set free to be ourselves and walk in the amazing grace of God without fear, insecurity, and judgment.
Phil: The 16 chapters cover a wide ranger of emotions and circumstances. Talk about:
Phil: Though your book is glaringly honest about weakness and even failure, it is really about spiritual development. At the end of each chapter you challenge the reader with self-examination questions they can use to journal, discuss in a small group, or even as a devotional, plus a faith-filled confession and a power prayer. How can these tools benefit pastors struggling with insignificance?
Mark: The questions cause us to reflect on the principle with God in prayer, ourselves, and even others in certain settings. Discussing these chapters with fellow pastors helps us to realize we are not alone but even my peers who I respect struggling with feelings of insignificance. Our significance is found in Christ not in our self, success, or how people perceive us on the outside.
Phil: Agree or disagree: Every pastor needs to develop a through-the-day conversation with Jesus and should seek out the fellowship of a pastors' prayer group as an antidote to being sidelined by discouragement.
Mark: AGREE! We must practice the active 24/7 presence of God throughout our day. That's what relationship with Christ and the Holy Spirit in us is all about. God never meant us to go it alone. Jesus had a fellowship of 12, an inner circle of 3, and even a best friend. We need to be regularly involved in open, transparent, authentic, below the surface, face-to-face relationships with our pastoral peers. We need empathetic encouragers, teammates, and cheerleaders in our lives. It can be difficult and even risky at times to try to meet that need with persons in your church. They may not understand or even be able to relate to the needs and challenges unique to pastors. Yet, we can't make it all by ourselves against all that the enemy of our souls and ministry will bring against us.
Phil: Some pastors have wisely recruited a prayer team for support and protection. How can this book assist those who pray diligently for their pastor?
Mark: This book will give intercessors that "whats" to pray about. These pages will give you specific challenges, discouragements, enemies, and destructive thought patterns to pray over your pastor and his family.
Phil: How is "I refuse to quit!" the first step toward strength and freedom?
Mark: God has called us to faithfulness not success. If we will be faithful, hang on to God, and keep doing our best in God's strength then God will take care of any success we may enjoy. Not quitting gives God the chance to show up in times of weakness and display His strength, wisdom, and love in our lives and ministries. Not quitting means God has to show up. We become a trophy of His grace shed abroad in our lives. If you decide to refuse to quit no matter what...then that is a decision you don't even have to entertain unless you get a "thus sayeth the Lord.? That frees you up to keep putting one foot in front of another for another day and to find your source of strength outside yourself. Remember: the battle doesn't belong to you but to the Lord.
Phil: Mark, please write a prayer struggling pastors can pray with you...
Mark: Dear Father God,
I am weak but you are strong. I am inconsistent but you never change. I am a sinner and you are my righteousness. I'm all about the destination but you are all about the journey. You have called me and are faithful to fulfill your ministry call and spiritual development in me. Therefore, I give you my sin, struggles, weaknesses, problems, and fears. I lay them at your feet. I am weary and heavily burdened. I come to you for rest, refreshing, and renewal. Give me a fresh measure of your joy that is my inner strength. I thank you God that your mercies for me are new every morning. I choose today to walk in your renewable strength, powerful presence, and jubilant joy. Thank you Jesus for being my all-in-all whenever I feel so down-and-out. The battle around me belongs to you so each day I gratefully deliver them in prayer to your capable hands. Thanks you for taking such good care of all that could burden me. Amen
Bonus Cut: Dick Hardy Podcast Interview 5/5/2009
Subject: Why in the world did Mark Elliott write Confessions of an Insignificant Pastor: What Pastors Wish They Could Tell You?
This book really came out of a real God-moment experience that I had in Indianapolis in 2007 that released me to write this timely book. Secondarily, 'Confessions' came out of my own painful experiences in 27 years of full-time ministry and yet not giving up when I surely felt to do so.
I've read stats from Barna and Focus on the Family that say, "80% of pastors quit the ministry in their first five years" and that "1,200 ministers leave the ministry each month." My heart beats for hurting pastors and their families. Who ministers to the pastor today? Where does the minister go for help?
I believe this book will help bring hope, encouragement, strength, and renewal to pastors who will then begin to open up and talk transparently with their peers and begin then to truly support one another rather than compete against them behind their lone-ranger masks.
Specifically in the past 5 years God has used some very painful incidents to birth this book to be of help to others in the body of Christ...whether in thepulpit or in the pew. We have a plateaued American church because we have plateaued people and plateaued pastors who all desperately need a spiritualrefreshing from God. This is a book about hope, faithfulness, and integrity.
1. Critics might say the title sounds like you are really insecure? What do you say?
The title might be construed by some to be negative in nature but the book is actually very positive, faith-filled and encouraging! Am I insecure? SURE! Aren't we all too some degree and in differing areas? I believe our insecurity is a byproduct of the fall of man from God and into sin. The insecurity in us all is due to our sin nature which separates us from God.
The GOOD NEWS is that Jesus came to bridge that gap and become our security. This book is all about slaying the dragon of insecurity, sin, evil, and bitterness so that we can be free to live our life to the fullest extent in God's will and His incredible journey He has planned for us.
2. Is this book kind of a downer?
This book is far from being a downer. This is about getting back up when you get knocked down.
3. How will this book help a pastor?
This book will help pastors to become more confident, secure, and encouraged to tackle all that life brings across their paths. This book will open updialogue between pastors with their peers. 'Confessions' will build a pack of pastoral finishers rather than quitters.
For their lay persons the book will help them better understand how to encourage and pray for their pastors. The book could do wonders when read and used in a small group format with the provided SG questions with a leadership/deacon board, pastoral staff group, or even intercessory prayer groups who pray for their pastors.
Mark Elliott grew up in the foothills of southern Indiana. He came to know Christ at the age of nine when his alcoholic father and dysfunctional family began attending a small country Baptist church. Dr. Elliott s education includes a B.S. in Pastoral Ministry from North Central University, an M.A. in Biblical Literature from the Assemblies of God Seminary in Springfield, Missouri, an M.A. in Religion from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois, and a Doctoral of Ministry degree from Grace Theological Seminary in Winona Lake, Indiana. Elliott is currently the pastor of New Life Community Church in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. During a 25-year career in pastoral ministry he has written and produced religious radio broadcasts, and contributed articles for several magazines and books. Visit his website at docmarkelliott.com.
Lucrarea este a fratilor pentecostali din Detroit. Iata adresa si numarul de telefon ale Societatii Biblice de acolo:
Phone: 313 999 4359
Despre Conventia anuala gazduita de fratii vostrii din Phoenix:
Adresa bisericii: 7704 N 27th Ave Phoenix, Az 85051, loc in care se vor desfasura activitatile din ziua de Vineri si Sambata. (vezi harta aici)
Vineri de la ora 7:00 PM - Seara de evanghelizare care va avea loc la adresa de mai sus.
Sambata de la ora 6:00 PM - Evanghelizare, in ceea ce consider a fi cel mai spatios lacas de inchinare, construit de o biserica romaneasca pe pamant american. Adresa: Happy Valley Romanian Penticostal Church, 25435 N 15 Ave Phoenix, Az 85085 unde vom fi intreaga zi de Dumineca. Veti constata voi insiva ca aici nu e deloc deplasata expresia: " Aduceti cat de multi ca mai este loc! " (vezi harta aici)
Ne-ar fi de mare ajutor sa putem afla, cu aproximatie numarul celor ce intentioneaza sa vina din fiecare biserica.
Data cred ca va e cunoscuta: 4-6 Septembrie.
Iertati-ma daca amintindu-va doua bine cunoscute versete, va pun in incurcatura: Matei 10:9-10.
In rest o spun in numele celor mai multi: " Cu nerabdare astept ziua......"
Fiti binecuvantati. Octavian Dobos
Phil Hines spune o intamplare imaginara si nostima despre Isus care mergea pe drum intr-o zi si a vazut un om plangand. Cand l-a intrebat ce s-a intamplat, omul a raspuns: "Sunt orb", asa ca Isus l-a vindecat. Mergand mai departe s-a intalnit cu un alt om in lacrimi si i-a pus aceeasi intrebare. El a raspuns: "Sunt schiop", asa ca Isus l-a vindecat. Apoi s-a intalnit cu un al treilea care plangea. Ca raspuns la intrebarea lui Isus, el a raspuns: "Sunt pastor". Asa ca Isus s-a asezat langa el si a plans impreuna cu el! Slujba de pastor poate fi lipsita de multumire; de aceea Biblia spune: "Sa-i pretuiti foarte mult".
Cineva a descris "Pastorul perfect" drept un om care predica 20 de minute si apoi se aseaza, condamna pacatul fara a ofensa pe nimeni, lucreaza 16 ore pe zi facand totul de la predicare la curatenie, castiga 800 de lei pe luna si daruieste 200 de lei inapoi bisericii, se imbraca frumos, are o familie model, sustine cauzele bune si-i ajuta pe cersetorii care se opresc la usa bisericii. Are 36 de ani si predica de 40 de ani. Are o dorinta fierbinte de a lucra cu tinerii si-si petrece tot timpul cu persoanele in varsta. Zambeste tot timpul in timp ce-si pastreaza seriozitatea, deoarece are un simt al umorului dezvoltat care il face sa se dedice cu seriozitate. Face 20 de vizite pe zi si-si petrece fiecare clipa a zilei evanghelizand si este intotdeauna la birou in caz ca este nevoie de el.
Vestea proasta este ca s-a epuizat si a murit la 37 de ani!
Pavel scrie: "Aduceti-va aminte de mai marii vostri, care v-au vestit Cuvantul lui Dumnezeu; uitati-va cu bagare de seama la sfarsitul felului lor de vietuire, si urmati-le credinta!" (Evrei 13:7).
"Sa priviti bine pe cei ce se ostenesc intre voi, care va carmuiesc in Domnul, si care va sfatuiesc. Sa-i pretuiti foarte mult, in dragoste, din pricina lucrarii lor" (1 Tesaloniceni 5:12-13). Cu alte cuvinte, sustineti-va pastorul!