vineri, 10 aprilie 2009

Botez la Bethel, Anaheim, CA

Monday, April 6th, 2009

Duminica de 5 Aprilie 2009 va ramane data unei mari sarbatori la Bethel. Sapte tineri L-au marturisit pe Domnul Isus in apa botezului. Voi adauga pozele cat de curand. Deocamdata, vreau sa va spun ca, si din cauza ca de vineriseara pana duminica dimineata a fost Conferinta Misionara a tinerilor de pe coasta de vest, sala bisericii noastre a fost arhiplina. Deasupra tuturor plutea maiestuos Ruah Elohim care aducea viata si ordine in creatia din sufletele fiecaruia dintre noi. Slava Domnului!

Au fost de fata persoane din biseicile “Calea Crucii” (Colton), Betania (La Habra), Maranata (La Mirada) si pastorii Liviu Petrila, David Arghir, Cornel Burtea.


Primele reactii:

Good morning Fr.Daniel,
Just a quick note…

Praise the Lord for last evening. As you said, the Lord’s presence was felt.
God blessed the entire service, from the poem that started the evening, the various songs and especially the testimonies.

My kids usually talk after church or in the car about who said what (in their circle of friends) and who did what… well last night I heard them from the other room, as they were getting ready to brush their teeth. The conversation was about the testimonies, and who did each one of them think spoke the best!! I believe that seeing their former peers (copii care nu de mult au fost la corul copiilor), make a statement of faith was of great impact.

It was so wonderful to also see all the youth from Betania come and share in our celebration. In talking to them and thanking them, they all said, they our our brothers and sisters and our friends, we could not have missed that!! All the Betania parents told me that they came because their kids insited on them being there……WOW. One family told me that they were happy their kids wanted to come, because they need to see “their peers” taking that important step.

Everyone that we talked to was on a “spiritual hight”…hard to go to sleep after that!! By the looks of it, you couldn’t go to sleep last night either…your email was sent after midnight.
Blessings, Adriana

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